This week has been a good Kendo week so far. I've had practice Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night, and I pushed myself hard in each one. Although now I'm glad for a short break to rest and relax tonight, I'm happy I was able to push myself through each and every one of those practices (including two practices with the beginners/intermediate people where I was not only Motodachi for them but also able to work on basics). Last night started out normal enough, with warm-ups and suburi, and then Sensei had us put our shinai down for a bit and we went over the clap drill that we did a couple weeks ago. He has used this drill a couple times to emphasize connection to your partner and the group, anticipation of their movements, and also as a lesson in following instructions. Afterward we broke into partners and worked on keeping that connection and anticipating our partner's movements. When they would step, we would step, trying to stay as close to their movem...
One man's Kendo journey