Yondan. It's what I've been working towards for a while now, and it's what I tested for last weekend at the PNKF shinsa in Seattle. For any that don't know, yondan is 4th degree black belt in kendo. I've heard that it's one of the harder tests to pass, somewhere around 25% pass rate if I remember correctly. The test itself isn't long, timewise. I simply had to do two rounds of sparring, 90 seconds each, and nihon kata 1-10. Total time on the floor is roughly 8-10 minutes. Everything I'd been working on would hopefully shine through in those precious few minutes. We arrived to the venue around 11:30am. There was quite a large group of us there for testing, to challenge a whole range of different mudansha and yudansha ranks. I'm happy to say that overall it was good for everyone else, as we had a lot of success. Personally, though, I knew I would be facing a tough challenge and it didn't help the nerves much. After suitin...
One man's Kendo journey