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Showing posts from December, 2012

Kent Taikai 2012

Photo courtesy of J. O'Donnell This weekend our dojo competed in the 16th Annual Kent Taikai.  We had quite a full group this time, too, with seventeen members heading over to compete in divisions all across the board.  My division was the 1-3 Dan, and it was by far the largest division with well over half of the competitors.  After arriving at the taikai on Saturday morning and warming up, we got things under way.  Our division wasn't fighting until right before the team matches, so I had quite a few hours to wait.  I passed the time by helping out on the scoring table for one of the courts, catching up with some friends, and getting as much video of our guys in action as possible.  I was able to watch some great matches that my dojo mates took part in, as well as feel the energy building up for our division later in the day. The time finally came, and I suited up and got ready for my matches.  I had a bye in the first round, and got to watch ...

Solid Foundation, Solid Building

After a short hiatus for the Thanksgiving holiday, I'm back.  I also feel like my focus is returning to me.  For the last couple of weeks I've felt a bit off.  I don't think it was anything with my training or my technique, but still the feeling was there.  It very well could have all been in my head.  After this weekend and last night's practice I'm feeling the focus returning, though, and I'm feeling ready to tackle the Kent Taikai this weekend. Our sensei and his wife had the pleasure of spending the weekend at a seminar with Nakata Sensei, hanshi hachidan from Tokyo, and brought back all kinds of valuable information and advice to share with our dojo.  As such, we started out class last night in a most peculiar, and good, way.  We began class without our bogo or shinai/bokken.  After bowing in Sensei began to share a bit about what they learned about kendo, showing us that everything was connected, like links in a chain, and how we were go...