What a night last night was! We had a great practice, which revolved around Do strikes. After warm-ups we jumped straight into a few drills that concentrated on small Do strikes, with emphasis on: Cut forward with the shinai after you strike, don't let the shinai strike and bounce back off the target. It should end up striking and sliding forward and/or a bit downward. The kensen should stay in front of the body at all times during the strike, it shouldn't go back behind the head/body. The small loop/half-heart shape you make with the shinai when you strike Do should all be on the same side as the strike (i.e. Don't let the shinai cross the center line when you move to strike Do. Bring the kensen straight up and then loop around to the partner's right side to strike). Don't have a lazy strike, don't let the shinai slow down once you move to strike. The whole thing should be quick and without wasted time. Think speed! This one is for m...
One man's Kendo journey